Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Final of Allusion

Put down and doubted
Needing approval
From those who matter the most
Those with no hope, no trust in her

She's deeply in love with
Something she wants
All she's asking for is support,
The support of her hopes and dreams

She is put through task after task
Challenged to prove herself
Each one, she emerges victorious
She earns more and more
Maturity and Knowledge
Strength and Intelligence

With each experience
Her soul grows and matures
Ultimately she is left

Journal #30 - "Brainstorming for I Believe"

I believe that no matter what, you should be thankful for what you have, because there's always someone less fortunate the you.

I've noticed, especially with us teens, that we complain about ALOT, and about EVERYTHING!! School,our teachers, our parents, our lives and I've learned that none of us really should be complaining about anything, because we should be thankful we have a home, parents who care, teachers who are willing to teach us, even though their not getting paid much as other professions, and food on our tables. I've learned this lesson when I was growing up, because at one time we didn't have much&even now with the low economy we don't have alot, and it taught me to be extremely thankful for what I have, because some people have no homes, don't have the chance to be educated for FREE and go hungry everyday.

So we can't take things for granted, and we should be thankful for everything, even if we don't have as much as someone else, cause someone in the world is always having it worse.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Allusive Poem- Draft

Put down and doubted
Needing approval
From those who matter the most
Those with no hope, no trust in her

Little do they know
She's deeply in love with
Something she wants
Something she needs
Driven by pure passion
She cannot be stopped
She won't be stopped!

Her dreams are blocked
As negative thoughts from others
Dance throughout her young mind

Challenge after challenge
From victories and failures
She earns more and more
Maturity and Knowledge
Strength and Intelligence

With each experience
Her soul grows
Matures and Emerges
From a once dark place
Learning the ultimate lesson,
The lesson of Life.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Journal #26 - "Brainstorming for Allusions"

Psyche- Goddess of the Soul
Psyche was a mortal that fell in love with Eros, the God of Love.After he thought she couldn't be trusted he left her and she had to go to his mother, to prove herself worthy for Eros. She was put through a number of trails, to prove herself, and after each trail, no matter how hard the trails were, she grew and learned more, allowing her to mature. I think she is like me because after any trail I go through, I try to find a way to learn and grow from it!

Komodia- Goddess of Happiness and Amusement